Heritage Park Community Development District January 23, 2025 AGENDA Heritage Park Community Development District 475 West Town Place Suite 114 St. Augustine, Florida 32092 District Website: www.heritageparkcdd.com January 16, 2025 Board of Supervisors Heritage Park Community Development District Dear Board Members: The Heritage Park Community Development District Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. at the Heritage Park Amenity Center, 225 Hefferon Drive, St. Augustine, Florida 32084. Following is the advance agenda for the meeting: I. Roll Call II. Public Comment III. Approval of the Minutes of the November 21, 2024 Meeting IV. Consideration of Resolution 2025-07, Ratifying the Sale of Bonds and Levy of Assessments for Series 2025 Bonds V. Update Regarding Real Property Purchase VI. Update on O&M Matters VII. Consideration of Water Fountain Replacement Proposals VIII. Staff Reports A. Attorney B. Engineer C. Manager D. Operations Manager - Report IX. Audience Comments X. Supervisors Requests XI. Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures B. Assessment Receipt Schedule C. Approval of Check Register XII. Next Scheduled Meeting – March 27, 2025 @ 1:00 p.m. XIII. Adjournment THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS MINUTES OF MEETING HERITAGE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Heritage Park Community Development District was held on Thursday, November 21, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. at the Heritage Park Amenity Center, 225 Hefferon Drive, St. Augustine, Florida 32084. Present and constituting a quorum were: Thomas Ferry Chairman Robert Curran Vice Chairman Joanne Wharton Supervisor Judith Kinnecom Supervisor Louis Pingotti Supervisor Also present were: Jim Oliver District Manager Wes Haber District Counsel Ryan Stilwell (via phone) District Engineer Corbin deNagy (via phone) GMS Kyle Magee (via phone) Kutak Rock Bob Gang (via phone) Bond Counsel Jeff Johnson Operations Manager Rhonda Mossing (via phone) MBS Capital Markets Geri Ferry HOA Residents The following is a summary of the actions taken at the November 21, 2024 meeting. A copy of the proceedings can be obtained by contacting the District Manager. FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Oliver called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. All Supervisors were present. November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 2 SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Mr. Nick Bottinelli, a resident, questioned the CDD fee that residents were paying with their taxes. Mr. Oliver explained that the CDD issued bonds for the development of the community and residents were paying operation and maintenance (O&M) costs. Ms. Wharton questioned whether he was referring to the $3 million that was issued in bonds. Mr. Bottinelli was referring to the bonds that required him to pay $2,400. Mr. Oliver suggested that Mr. Bottinelli hold his questions until the Sixth Order of Business, as $2,400 was inaccurate. Ms. Wharton explained that there were two separate bond issues; one for the refinancing of the original $3 million that residents owed for the construction of the lakes. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Organizational Matters Mr. Oliver reported that Ms. Joanne Wharton and Mr. Louis Pingotti were re-elected to their seats and congratulated them. A. Oath of Office for Newly Appointed Supervisors Mr. Oliver, a Notary of the State of Florida and duly authorized, administered the Oath of Office to Ms. Joanne Wharton and Mr. Louis Pingotti. B. Election of Officers, Resolution 2025-02 Mr. Oliver reported that currently Ms. Wharton served as Chair and Mr. Curran served as Vice Chair. Ms. Wharton pointed out when she took over as Chair, she informed Mr. Ferry that she would only serve for one year and since she was President of the HOA Board, she nominated Mr. Ferry as Chair. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Pingotti with all in favor Electing Mr. Thomas Ferry as Chair was approved. Ms. Wharton nominated Mr. Curran as Vice Chair. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Ferry with all in favor Electing Mr. Bob Curran as Vice Chair was approved. November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 3 Mr. Oliver requested that the Board adopt Resolution 2025-02, electing Mr. Tom Ferry as Chair; Mr. Bob Curran as Vice Chair; the remaining Board Members as Assistant Secretaries; Mr. Jim Oliver as Secretary and Treasurer; Ms. Marilee Guiles, Mr. Daniel Laughlin and Mr. Darrin Mossing and Mr. Matthew Biagetti as Assistant Secretaries and Assistant Treasurers, for check signing purposes. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Ms. Kinnecom with all in favor the election of officers as stated above as evidenced by Resolution 2025-02 was adopted. • Series 2024 Bond Matters (Item 6) Mr. Oliver recalled at the September 22nd meeting, the District started the process to issue refunding bonds to refinance the current bonds at a lower interest rate and new revenue bonds to fund the purchase of the land across the parking lot. At the start of the process, the interest rate was 3.87% and although the CDD was receiving money for the purchase of the land, assessments would be reduced. In addition, the 2013 bonds expired in 2035 and this would extend the assessments for the new money bonds to 2036. A 30-day mailed notice was sent to residents announcing the public hearing that would be held on November 7th. However, from the time that the notice was sent, due to increases in the bond market, the rate increased from 3.87% to 4.13% and as a result, the public hearing was cancelled. At this time, the Board had the option of restarting this process, but not to send out mailed notices, in case rates go to 5%. Ms. Rhonda Mossing of MBS Capital Markets (MBS) explained that the term sheet from the bank, that was received in September, included a rate of 3.87%, but the rate was not locked in, until 30 days before closing, which was around October 14th. However, at that time, rates increased to the point where the numbers did not work anymore and MBS was able to get the bank to extend the term sheet, including the same terms and formula, but with a 5% interest rate, to provide to wiggle room, which was included in the Preliminary Assessment Report that GMS prepared. It was slightly higher than current assessments, but it could be less than 5% at closing, which was conservative, as the interest rate, as of yesterday, was 4.43%. Ms. Wharton questioned what Ms. Mossing predicted the rate would be in the next 30 days. Ms. Mossing anticipated that rates would stabilize, unless there was a big event and expected to lock in the rate around December 15th, as the closing was following the public November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 4 hearing, around January 15th. Mr. Oliver pointed out that the public hearing was the first week of January. Ms. Wharton requested that Ms. Mossing put pressure on the bank about locking in the rate in 45 days, instead of 30 days. Ms. Mossing did not see the bank changing from 30 days, because there was too much risk, but felt that locking the rate in on December 15th, was plenty of time, as it was two weeks before the public hearing. However, if rates were higher than 5%, they would not lock it in. Mr. Oliver pointed out that Table 5 in the Assessment Methodology Report, showed that the current assessment for a single-family home with a 53-foot lot, on a net basis, was $572.76, but in the corresponding table, for Fiscal Years 2025 through 2034, the assessment would increase by $6 to $578.30. This information would be included in a new mailed notice, which would include a cover sheet, with a quick summary of what the mailed notice included and what the Board was trying to do. Ms. Wharton requested that the summary include the assessment for the majority of homes, which was the 53-foot lot, as it was confusing. Mr. Oliver would include it. A. Preliminary Assessment Report (will be sent under separate cover) Mr. Oliver presented the Second Supplemental Assessment Methodology Report, which included the new date of November 21, 2024, on the cover page. Most of the pages were the same, but the amounts were based on the 5% interest rate, versus 3.87%. In talking with the developer, they wanted to finance the deal with an interest rate of 8%. Mr. Haber recalled that the Board previously adopted a resolution setting the public hearing on assessments for November 7th, which was ultimately canceled because of the rise in interest rates. However, if the Board decided to proceed, there should be a motion to approve an updated version of the term sheet from the bank and resolution declaring assessments, which was adopted previously, with the updated methodology. In addition, there was currently a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the seller, which contemplated a closing date of November 22nd. The Board had the right to terminate that agreement, if they decided not to proceed, but the seller was willing to extend the closing date to January 31st, under the same terms and issue the bonds, with an interest rate of not exceeding 5%. Ms. Mossing pointed out that the only change in the term sheet, was to extend the date to January 25th, with all other provisions, remaining the same. Ms. Wharton questioned whether the bank’s proposal included a cap. Ms. Mossing confirmed that there was no cap on the November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 5 term sheet. Mr. Haber indicated if it was an interest rate that the Board was not comfortable with, it would not be locked in and they would go through this process again. Mr. Oliver opened the floor to public comments. Mr. Nick Bottinelli questioned whether the CDD fees charged to every resident, paid off the bond. Mr. Oliver confirmed that it would pay off the bond, which matured and in 2035. The District issued bonds in 2004 and refinanced them at a lower rate in 2013 and now they were being refinanced again at a lower rate. Mr. Bottinelli questioned the advantage to homeowners for incurring debt to purchase the land. Mr. Curran indicated that it would stop a developer, who wanted to build condos on that property. Mr. Bottinelli recalled that the plan was rejected by the County Commission. Ms. Wharton clarified what was rejected, was a unit similar to the villas, but there was a loophole for the developer to build lower income homes, without going through the process. However, there was consensus from the community, for the HOA or CDD to purchase the property. Mr. Bottinelli questioned the cost of the property. Mr. Oliver indicated that the bond was for $350,000, which would be assessed on all properties in the District. Ms. Wharton confirmed that it was done this way so residents would not have to pay this assessment at one time and could pay $26 more per year over 11 years. Mr. Bottinelli appreciated this explanation, as it was not clear in the letter and questioned what the CDD would do with this property. Ms. Wharton confirmed that the owner would have to remove the fence and the CDD would maintain the trail and increase the mowing. There were no plans to develop it, other than installing a bench, but the mowing schedule would be decided in the next year or two. The HOA was informed that the CDD would not sell the land to them, except for what the CDD paid for it and the purpose was mainly to save the parking spots and from it being developed. Ms. Ann Germain of Oak Harbor Circle questioned if the interest rate was 5%, whether the bond would be expended by one year and if the assessment amount would remain the same. Ms. Wharton confirmed that it would mature in 2035 and the assessment amount would increase slightly. Mr. Oliver clarified that there were two bond issues; one maturing in 2035, which were the refunding bonds and new money bonds, which would mature in 2036. The 53-foot lot would increase by $8 per year. Ms. Germain appreciated the mailed notice and read it thoroughly, but took exception when people said there was a lack of transparency, as the notice was clear and recommended that the cover sheet be more informative and in simpler terms. Ms. Wharton proposed including what the resident was currently paying and what it would increase to, with an November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 6 approximate range. Mr. Oliver would simplify the cover letter, utilizing mail merge, which would customize it to each property type. Mr. Ferry suggested notifying residents that in 2035, the bonds would be paid off and they would only be responsible for the maintenance. A Resident questioned the current interest rate of the $3 million bond and if there was a benefit to refinancing it. Ms. Mossing explained that they were losing some savings, due to the higher rate, but by refinancing, they were able to add new money, to be closer to the 4.43% current interest rate. Mr. Oliver pointed out that the current bond would mature in 2036 and the debt service payment would be close to the current assessment. The new money bonds would mature in 2035 and there would be a lower assessment. For a 53-foot lot, the current assessment amount was $573 and in 2024, it would increase to $578.30, in 2035, the assessment amount would be $588 and in 2036, the assessment amount would decrease to $566. The total assessment increase for both bonds would be $6, with the exception of 2035. Mr. Haber clarified that the final payment in 2036, was for only the new bonds, which would be same or slightly lower than the assessment that residents were paying for the prior 11 years. It would be $6 plus an additional year. Mr. Oliver would provide the resident with the new bond information. Ms. Germain questioned how this would affect residents who paid off their bonds. Mr. Oliver explained that they would not be paying the debt service on the 2013 bonds, but all residents would be paying the assessment on the new bond. Ms. Wharton voiced confusion that the assessment increase in the prior notice was more than $6. Mr. Oliver pointed out that the prior documentation was no longer valid. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Pingotti with all in favor the Preliminary Second Supplemental Special Assessment Methodology Report dated September 26, 2024 for the Series 2024 Refunding and Revenue Bonds was approved. Ms. Wharton questioned whether the current rate was 5.1%, if the $3 million needed to be refinanced. Mr. Oliver indicated that this was an important part of the transaction, to help keep costs down. Ms. Mossing explained that it allowed them to blend the new money over the remaining maturity of the old money, so there would be level annual debt service. If they did not refund those bonds, it would create confusion with the assessments and this keeps it clean. It was separated out into two bond issues for illustration purposes, but there would be one bond issue November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 7 maturing in 2036, at a rate not-to-exceed 5%. A Resident questioned the closing costs and administrative fees. Ms. Mossing confirmed that total closing costs were currently $230,575, for the refunding and the new money portion. Ms. Wharton pointed out that they could not be negotiated, as these were set fees. B. Declaration of Special Assessments, Resolution 2025-03 Mr. Oliver presented Resolution 2025-03, Declaring Special Assessments, which was included in the agenda package. Mr. Haber reported that it was the same resolution that was adopted at the last meeting, with the inclusion of language indicating that the Board previously adopted a resolution levying assessments, which was rescinded and replaced with this resolution. This was the first step in the assessment process, approving the improvements in the ground, plus the acquisition of this property and determined that the assessments, as allocated in the Assessment Methodology and Engineer’s Report, were fair and reasonably allocated, as required by Florida Law. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Curran with all in favor Resolution 2025-03 Declaring Special Assessments for the Series 2024 Refunding and Revenue Bonds was adopted. C. Consideration of Resolution Setting a Public Hearing Date, Resolution 2025-04 Mr. Oliver presented Resolution 2025-04, Setting a Public Hearing, which was included in the agenda package and suggested holding on January 7, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. at this location. There was Board consensus. On MOTION by Ms. Kinnecom seconded by Mr. Pingotti with all in favor Resolution 2025-04 Setting a Public Hearing for January 7, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. at this location for the Series 2024 Refunding and Revenue Bonds was adopted. D. Consideration of Term Sheets from Banks Ms. Mossing reiterated that the only change to the term sheet, was to extend it from the end of November to January 25th, to hold the public hearing. All of the other terms on the term sheet, remained the same. November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 8 On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Ferry with all in favor the term sheet from Regions Bank was approved. Ms. Mossing asked if the District Manager and District Counsel wanted to sign all bank documents at the January meeting, following the public hearing and consider it a pre-closing. Mr. Oliver and Mr. Haber agreed. Mr. Gang pointed out that they would plan accordingly. Mr. Haber would work out the real estate closing with the seller’s lawyer, but as long as they had the funds, they could figure out the closing. The plan was to extend the closing date to January 31st. Ms. Mossing requested an updated timetable. If they were able to plan the closing for January 9th, the rate could be locked in on December 9th. Ms. Geri Ferry, HOA President, asked if she needed to contact a contractor regarding the fence. Mr. Haber pointed out that the seller informed him, that before they conveyed the property to the CDD, the fence would be removed and all litigation would be resolved. Ms. Germain questioned why the seller was not repairing the asphalt. Ms. Ferry explained that there was an agreement for the tract, which required the Heritage Park HOA to maintain it. Ms. Germain pointed out that the seller broke the agreement when they installed the fence. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes of the September 26, 2024 Meeting Mr. Oliver presented the minutes of the September 26, 2024 meeting, which was included in the agenda package. Mr. Curran indicated under the Eighth Order of Business, he submitted two tickets to Florida, Power & Light (FPL) for the lights and not Mr. Ferry. Mr. Oliver pointed out that “Ms. Gerri Ferry” should be “Ms. Geri Ferry.” On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Ms. Kinnecom with all in favor the Minutes of the September 25, 2024 Meeting were approved as amended. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Ratification of Audit Engagement Letter with Grau & Associates for Fiscal Year 2024 Mr. Oliver reported as a unit of government, the CDD was required to have an annual audit conducted by an independent CPA firm. Grau & Associates was selected through the November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 9 Request for Proposals (RFP) process, in accordance with Chapter 218 of the Florida Statutes. The fee was in the amount of $3,500, which was budgeted for in the Fiscal Year 2025 Budget. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Curran with all in favor the engagement letter with Grau & Associates to perform the audit for Fiscal Year 2024 in the amount of $3,500 was ratified. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Series 2024 Bond Matters A. Preliminary Assessment Report B. Declaration of Special Assessments C. Consideration of Resolution Setting a Public Hearing Date D. Consideration of Term Sheets from Banks This item was discussed. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. Attorney Mr. Haber reminded the Board, if they were appointed/elected prior to March 31st, they had until December 31, 2024 to complete their four hours of ethics training. The links for the free training, were re-circulated. There was no formal registration or certificate, as it was based on the honor system, when filling out Form 1 in 2025. B. Engineer Mr. Stilwell had no report, as he was present for bond matters. C. Manager Mr. Oliver reported that the District was fully collected for Fiscal Year 2024 and the process for Fiscal Year 2025, started, as tax bills were sent out on November 1st. He expected the District to be fully collected by the end of February. D. Operations Manager 1. Report Mr. Jeff Johnson presented the Operations Manager Report, which was included in the agenda package. Ms. Wharton recalled that the fountain in Pond 1000 was installed in 2023 and should still be under warranty. Mr. Johnson reported in the last week, both fountains in Pond November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 10 1000 broke down. The vendor pulled both fountains, to diagnose them and perform their due diligence, to ensure that the fountains were operational. Then they would reset the fountains and test them. If there was positive feedback, nothing further needed to be done, but if not, they would have an electrician inspect the electrical wiring, running from the road to the boxes. At this time, the status was unknown. Ms. Wharton questioned the status of the Pond 1700 fountain, which was pulled and evaluated in September. Mr. Johnson reported that it was replaced with a new fountain and one fountain remained in their inventory. Ms. Wharton recalled that five new fountains were ordered. Mr. Johnson pointed out that it was the last of the five fountains, as they had to replace four fountains in the last few months, due to the cost of repair outweighing the cost of replacement. Ms. Wharton pointed out that the fountain on Pond 1200 was replaced, as it shut off several times and questioned how many of the old fountains were still in place. Mr. Johnson was in the process of obtaining this information from Future Horizons and provided a proposal for five new fountains. 2. Pond Bank Erosion Mr. Johnson reported that there were erosion issues, which takes precedent over the aesthetic look of the fountains. The erosion on Pond 500 was bad and he planned to focus on it going forward. Ms. Wharton preferred to discuss the fountains, as it was important to have fountains on hand, to replace broken ones, but first they needed to know the number of original fountains, as they had 21 fountains total and believed that they purchased 10 or 11 fountains and 11 remained. Mr. Oliver would speak to the accountant. Ms. Wharton further questioned whether the vendor would provide a break, if 10 fountains were ordered instead of five. Mr. Johnson recalled that the vendor provided a discount on the cost of the five fountains and the shipping. Ms. Wharton felt that pond erosion was important, but they were trying to avoid fish kills and algae and requested the number of fountains purchased and that remained to be replaced, have one extra fountain on hand and if they could get a better price. Ms. Wharton planned to walk around all of the pond banks and requested that other Board Members join her and spend a week walking around them, as there was significant erosion. Mr. Haber warned a group of Board Members talking about District business outside of a publicly noticed meeting, due the Sunshine Law. Ms. Wharton would walk the ponds with Mr. Johnson. Ms. Kinnecom felt that they needed criteria of what they were looking for. Ms. November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 11 Wharton pointed out that this was a good point and was looking for a pond bank where the entire top of the bank was eroding. Mr. Johnson provided two proposals from Yellowstone for Pond 500: one for the front section and the second for the back side, near the nook. Ms. Wharton felt that they could obtain better costs, as they did not need to do the maximum amount of work and would look at what they were suggesting. There was Board consensus to table the proposals. Ms. Wharton thanked Mr. Johnson for the removal of trash and debris from the ponds. There was a big difference, since he took over operations. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Audience Comments A Resident questioned whether there was an operational budget. Mr. Oliver confirmed that costs were included in the budget, which was posted to the CDD website. The Resident questioned whether the additional fountains were included in the budget. Ms. Wharton indicated that it was included and they did not spend over the budget. Mr. Oliver pointed out if any items were over budget, there was carry forward surplus. Ms. Wharton noted that they needed to be proactive, because if a pond bank needed to be replaced, it would cause an overage in the budget. The Resident questioned how the lakes were filled, since there was a drought this Spring. Mr. Oliver reported that the lakes were filled by stormwater, rain and groundwater. The Resident pointed out that when it pours, rainwater falls onto the streets and goes into the gutters, but the ponds did not fill up. Ms. Wharton explained when the ponds were very low, they did not fill up high with water and when it gets to a certain level, it goes up the pond bank. The resident questioned whether there was one bond for $3 million and another bond for $250,000 and what the $250,000 would be used for. Mr. Haber explained that there was one bond, which paid off the existing bond, provided new money for the purpose of the purchasing the property and included an amount for closing costs. The Board’s determination to proceed, was based on input from bond staff, whether the transaction moved forward, the acquisition of the property and efficiencies gained by doing both bond issues at the same time. The timing to acquire the property, ability to spread the cost of the bonds, the beneficial interest rate and ability to acquire the property with an additional year of assessments, was an attractive opportunity for the Board. The Resident questioned who to contact on CDD issues. Mr. Oliver requested that residents contact Mr. Johnson and would post his contact information to the CDD website, HeritageParkCDD.com. November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 12 NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisors Requests There being no comments, the next item followed. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Financial Reports A. Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues & Expenditures Mr. Oliver presented the Unaudited Financial Statements through October 31, 2024, which were included in the agenda package. There was not much information, as this was one month into the new fiscal year. The balance in the Capital Reserve Fund was $137,000. B. Assessment Receipt Schedule Mr. Oliver presented the Assessment Receipt Schedule, which was included in the agenda package. Only one distribution was received from St. John's County in the amount of $4,269, which was on November 5th. The District was less than 2% collected. C. Approval of Check Register Mr. Oliver presented the Check Register for September 18, 2024 to October 31, 2024 in the amount of $25,011.55, which was included in the agenda package. Ms. Wharton questioned the refund document assessment increase. Mr. Oliver explained that it was due to the mailed notice. On MOTION by Ms. Wharton seconded by Mr. Ferry with all in favor the Check Register for September 18, 2024 to October 31, 2024 in the amount of $25,011.55 was approved. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Next Scheduled Meeting – January 7, 2025 @ 1:00 p.m. Mr. Oliver reported that the next meeting was scheduled for January 7, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. Ms. Wharton pointed out in March of next year, she would like to discuss cutting back on weed control on the ponds, due to the amount of pollutants that they were using. November 21, 2024 Heritage Park CDD 13 TWELFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Curran seconded by Mr. Pingotti with all in favor the meeting was adjourned. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS 1 4934-4785-7680.1 RESOLUTION 2025-07 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE HERITAGE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE SALE OF THE HERITAGE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT SPECIAL ASSESSMENT REFUNDING AND REVENUE BONDS, SERIES 2025; RATIFYING, CONFIRMING, AND APPROVING THE ACTIONS OF THE CHAIRMAN, VICE CHAIRMAN, TREASURER, SECRETARY, ASSISTANT SECRETARIES, AND ALL DISTRICT STAFF REGARDING THE SALE AND CLOSING OF THE BONDS; DETERMINING SUCH ACTIONS AS BEING IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE AUTHORIZATION GRANTED BY THE BOARD; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the Heritage Park Community Development District (“District”), is a local unit of special-purpose government created and existing pursuant to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the District previously adopted resolutions authorizing the issuance and the negotiated sale of bonds within the scope of Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, including its Special Assessment Refunding and Revenue Bonds, Series 2025, in the par amount of $3,450,000 (“Series 2025 Bonds”); and WHEREAS, the District previously adopted a resolution authorizing the finalization of the debt assessment lien securing the Series 2025 Bonds, including but not limited to authorization to finalize the supplemental engineer’s report and supplemental assessment report; and WHEREAS, the District closed on the sale of the Series 2025 Bonds on January 9, 2025; and WHEREAS, as prerequisites to the issuance of the Series 2025 Bonds, the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Assistant Secretaries, and District Staff including the District Manager, District Financial Advisor, and District Counsel were required to execute and deliver various documents (“Closing Documents”); and WHEREAS, the District desires to ratify, confirm, and approve all actions of the District Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Assistant Secretaries, and District Staff in connection with closing the sale of the Series 2025 Bonds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE HERITAGE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: SECTION 1. The sale, issuance, and closing of the Series 2025 Bonds is in the best interests of the District. 2 4934-4785-7680.1 SECTION 2. The issuance and sale of the Series 2025 Bonds, the adoption of resolutions relating to such bonds, the agreements entered into with respect to the issuance of such bonds, and all actions taken in the furtherance of the closing on such bonds, are hereby declared and affirmed as being in the best interests of the District and are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed. SECTION 3. The actions of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary, Assistant Secretaries, and all District Staff in finalizing the closing and issuance of the Series 2025 Bonds, including but not limited to: (1) the execution and delivery of the Closing Documents, (2) the exercise of all authority granted pursuant to Resolution 2025-05 which authorized the issuance of the Bonds, (3) the exercise of all authority pursuant to, and finalization of, Resolution 2025-06 which confirmed the maximum assessment lien securing the Bonds, and (4) the execution and delivery of such other certifications or other documents required for the closing on the Series 2025 Bonds, are determined to be in accordance with the prior authorizations of the Board and are hereby ratified, approved, and confirmed in all respects. SECTION 4. If any provision of this Resolution is held to be illegal or invalid, the other provisions shall remain in full force and effect. SECTION 5. This Resolution shall become effective upon its passage and shall remain in effect unless rescinded or repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of January, 2025. ATTEST: HERITAGE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT _____________________________ ________________________________________ Secretary / Assistant Secretary Chairperson, Board of Supervisors SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Future Horizons Environmental Corp QUOTATION 403 N First Street Quote Number: 2558 PO Box 1115 Hastings, FL 32145-1115 Quote Date: Sep 25, 2024 USA Page: 1 Voice: 904-692-1187 Fax: 904-692-1193 Quoted To: Heritage Park CDD c/o GMC, LLC 1408 Hamlin Avenue, Unit E St. Cloud, FL 34771 Customer ID Good Thru Payment Terms Sales Rep Heritage01 10/25/24 Net 30 Days Quantity Item Description Unit Price Amount 5.00 4400VFX 1hp 4400VFX Display Aerator by Kasco 2,573.75 12,868.75 Marine with 200' of cable 5 new replacement units for Heritage Park. The price quoted is just for the units it does not include installation that will be charged at the time of install of the unit. As long as you agree to purchase all 5 at the same time, we will be able to give a 5% discount on all of the units and cover the cost of freight. The units must be approved for purchase and paid in full before December 23 to get this pricing. Freight TOTAL 12,868.75 Sales Tax Subtotal 12,868.75 There will be a 5% Administrative fee for credit card amounts over $1,000.00 Should legal services become necessary in collection of the outstanding debt of this quote it would become the financial obligation of the proposed client. Future Horizons Environmental Corp QUOTATION 403 N First Street Quote Number: 2582 PO Box 1115 Hastings, FL 32145-1115 Quote Date: Dec 20, 2024 USA Page: 1 Voice: 904-692-1187 Fax: 904-692-1193 Quoted To: Heritage Park CDD c/o GMC, LLC 1408 Hamlin Avenue, Unit E St. Cloud, FL 34771 Customer ID Good Thru Payment Terms Sales Rep Heritage01 1/19/25 Net 30 Days Quantity Item Description Unit Price Amount 7.00 4400VFX 1hp 4400VFX Display Aerator by Kasco 2,573.75 18,016.25 Marine with 200' of cable The price quoted is just for the units it does not include installation that will be charged at the time of install of the unit. As long as you agree to purchase all 7 at the same time, we will be able to give a 5% discount on all of the units and cover the cost of freight. The units must be approved for purchase and paid in full before January 31st, 2025, to get this pricing. Freight TOTAL 18,016.25 Sales Tax Subtotal 18,016.25 There will be a 5% Administrative fee for credit card amounts over $1,000.00 Should legal services become necessary in collection of the outstanding debt of this quote it would become the financial obligation of the proposed client. Future Horizons Environmental Corp QUOTATION 403 N First Street Quote Number: 2583 PO Box 1115 Hastings, FL 32145-1115 Quote Date: Dec 20, 2024 USA Page: 1 Voice: 904-692-1187 Fax: 904-692-1193 Quoted To: Heritage Park CDD c/o GMC, LLC 1408 Hamlin Avenue, Unit E St. Cloud, FL 34771 Customer ID Good Thru Payment Terms Sales Rep Heritage01 1/19/25 Net 30 Days Quantity Item Description Unit Price Amount 10.00 4400VFX 1hp 4400VFX Display Aerator by Kasco 2,573.75 25,737.50 Marine with 10 new replacement units for Heritage Park. The price quoted is just for the units it does not include installation that will be charged at the time of install of the unit. As long as you agree to purchase all 10 at the same time, we will be able to give a 5% discount on all of the units and cover the cost of freight. The units must be approved for purchase and paid in full before January 31st, 2025, to get this pricing. Freight TOTAL 25,737.50 Sales Tax Subtotal 25,737.50 There will be a 5% Administrative fee for credit card amounts over $1,000.00 Should legal services become necessary in collection of the outstanding debt of this quote it would become the financial obligation of the proposed client. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS D. Heritage Park CDD Managers Report January 2025 Completed ·Pond 1000 fountains have been reinstalled and operational. Our stock has 1 new fountain remaining. ·County came out and addressed tree line issue on Woodlawn Dr. ·Outfall Structures are clean and working as they should. ·Continued efforts to keep Landscape and Ponds clean and cut. ELEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS A. Heritage Park Community Development District Unaudited Financial Reporting December 31, 2024 Table of Contents 1 Balance Sheet 2-3 General Fund 4 Capital Reserve Fund 5 Debt Service Fund Series 2013 6-7 Month to Month 8 Long Term Debt Report 9 Assessment Receipt Schedule General Capital Reserve Debt Service Totals Fund Fund Funds Governmental Funds ICUAnasSOvss Bhpeease:tntsrmk:at eCinnugtss At:ocdcyo uAnctc -o Tunrutist $ 5719,,583659 $ 6734,,492815 $ - - $ 11 24 36 ,, 34 55 19 - Series 2013 PRRreeesvpeeranvyueme ent --- --- 12 09 439,,,011459515 12 09 439,,,011459515 Total Assets $ 131,404 $ 138,406 $ 406,390 $ 676,200 Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 2,997 $ - $ - $ 2,997 Total Liabilites $ 2,997 $ - $ - $ 2,997 FRAUuesnssanitsgdrsni icBgetndaee ldfaod fnro cCre aD:peibtat lS Reersveicrev 2es013 $ 1 2 8 , 4 - 0 7 - $ 1 3 8 , 4 - 0 6 - $ 4 0 6 , 3 9 0 -- $ 114023688,,,344009067 Total Fund Balances $ 128,407 $ 138,406 $ 406,390 $ 673,204 Total Liabilities & Fund Balance $ 131,404 $ 138,406 $ 406,390 $ 676,200 Heritage Park Community Development District Combined Balance Sheet December 31, 2024 1 Community Development District General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t1e2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues: ISnpteecrieaslt Assessments - Tax Roll $ 3 1 60,,060404 $ 7 18,,520906 $ 7 8 , 721936 $ ( 7 -87) Total Revenues $ 316,644 $ 79,796 $ 79,009 $ (787) Expenditures: General & Administrative: IISFLPPETTAAAAOODDMWnnIeurontrsnreiftuaCtfseifshsbugsplgooninuenesebAtiacesirreeautsstrsapetn lrnmri,rEsegmai a g na hAetLvmSeCeenxelaeggieiiodu y pun AcsctmeeF Mrnivp&eeoernaoiueeeernnrpan tnetdB reni sgFilssAo tinniieTteeitenn dssttFeesie d mCe&Ancsnihehggin aSsnneagnuinorscbgltteosercgasrytiipontions $ 116 11111134678026 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 000122223445577890000000035555555667900900000000000000579008 - $ 1 124785 ,,,,,, 011122333455795 66000011335567782 33000000355557885 --- $ 1 11122785 ,,,,,,,, 01112233447895 6700011356779992 0700013334555684 ---- $ (( 1422 (( ,,,, 02353629 300144489 0039136880034 -------)))) Total General & Administrative $ 128,879 $ 42,754 $ 42,774 $ (21) Operations & Maintenance ISFLLLLCCPETOritaaaalrrooprreeoekknninmeelcgpeeedddtetrmai re ssatCTMnStilccroticioregaatinagniynnreppmihg v ngntIAee tiinRm tscn cRreCMyseeeigenuonpsaaesarnga ienManntircnirctvanyseeceigenneatnennccyaence $ 1112234 1255580222499,,,,,,,,,,,,,000005001555700000800001340000000000267 $ 1 111122335692 ,,,,,,,,,,,, 000112225669200022223555880000000355795 $ 1 134591 ,,,,,, 01447895 23568895 00055599 ----- $ 1111122 ,,,,,,, 011222224467 022222355579 000000023556 - Total Operations & Maintenance $ 196,975 $ 50,054 $ 37,293 $ 12,760 Heritage Park 2 Community Development District General Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t1e2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Heritage Park Reserves Capital Reserve Transfer $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ - Total Reserves $ 40,000 $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 365,854 $ 92,808 $ 80,068 $ 12,740 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ (49,210) $ (1,058) Fund Balance - Beginning $ 49,210 $ 129,466 Fund Balance - Ending $ - $ 128,407 3 Heritage Park Community Development District Capital Reserve Fund Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua 1te2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues ITnrtaenrsefsetr In $ 4 20,,200000 $ 5 0 - $ 1 , 0 2 - 4 7 2 - Total Revenues $ 42,200 $ 550 $ 1,022 $ 472 Expenditures: CBaanpkit aFle Oesutlay $ 5 0 - $ 1 2 5 - $ 7 6 - $ 4 9 - Total Expenditures $ 500 $ 125 $ 76 $ 49 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 41,700 $ 946 Fund Balance - Beginning $ 137,429 $ 137,460 Fund Balance - Ending $ 179,129 $ 138,406 4 Heritage Park Community Development District Debt Service Fund Series 2013 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balance For The Period Ending December 31, 2024 Adopted Budget PTrhorrua t1e2d/ B3u1d/g2e4t ThruA 1c2tu/a3l1/24 Variance Revenues: ISnpteecrieaslt AInssceosmsmeents - Tax Roll $ 3 1821,,070201 $ 9 36,,030102 $ 9 46,,333112 $ 1 , 3 1 - Total Revenues $ 393,721 $ 99,312 $ 100,643 $ 1,331 Expenditures: IIPnnrttieenrrceeipsstta --l 15- /150//01011 $ 2 882005,,,099011099 $ 8 0 , 9 1 9 -- $ 8 0 , 9 1 9 -- $ --- Total Expenditures $ 386,838 $ 80,919 $ 80,919 $ - Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ 6,884 $ 19,724 Fund Balance - Beginning $ 187,499 $ 386,666 Fund Balance - Ending $ 194,383 $ 406,390 5 Heritage Park Community Development District Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Total Revenues: Special Assessments Interest - Tax Roll $ 2 -85 $ 2 5 , 139750 $ 5 2 , 293247 $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ - - $ 7 8 , 721936 Total Revenues $ 285 $ 25,565 $ 53,160 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 79,009 Expenditures: General & Administrative: Supervisor Fees - $ 1,000 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,000 $ FICA Expense - 77 - - - - - - - - - - 77 Annual Audit - - - - - - - - - - - - - Trustee Fees - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dissemination Agent 88 88 88 - - - - - - - - - 265 Arbitrage - - - - - - - - - - - - - Engineering 741 375 - - - - - - - - - - 1,116 Attorney - - - - - - - - - - - - - Assessment Administration 7,950 - - - - - - - - - - - 7,950 Management Fees 5,175 5,175 5,175 - - - - - - - - - 15,524 Information Technology 158 158 158 - - - - - - - - - 473 Website Maintenance 105 105 105 - - - - - - - - - 315 Telephone 28 32 - - - - - - - - - - 60 Postage 513 579 8 - - - - - - - - - 1,100 Insurance 8,494 - - - - - - - - - - - 8,494 Printing & Binding 1,331 1,384 182 - - - - - - - - - 2,898 Legal Advertising 2,733 - - - - - - - - - - - 2,733 Other Current Charges 106 91 94 - - - - - - - - - 291 Office Supplies 196 42 65 - - - - - - - - - 303 Dues, Licenses & Subscriptions 175 - - - - - - - - - - - 175 Total General & Administrative 27,792 $ 9,106 $ 5,876 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 42,774 $ Month to Month 6 Heritage Park Community Development District Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March April May June July Aug Sept Total Month to Month Operations & Maintenance ISFLLLLCCPETOritaaaalrrooprreeoekknninmeelcgpeeedddtetrmai re ssatCTMnStilccroticioregaatinagniynnreppmihg v ngntIAee tiinRm tscn cRreCMyseeeigenuonpsaaesarnga ienManntircinrctvanyseeceigenneatnennccyaence $ 11133 ,,,,, 4901489 3524455 3533335 ------ $ 11133 ,,,,, 3801589 0424455 0733359 ------ $ 11133 ,,,,, 201589 844455 033345 ------- $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ - ------------ $ 1 134591 ,,,,,, 01447895 23568895 00055599 ----- Total Operations & Maintenance $ 12,806 $ 12,670 $ 11,818 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 37,293 Reserves Capital Reserve Transfer $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Reserves $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - Total Expenditures $ 40,598 $ 21,776 $ 17,694 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 80,068 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues over Expenditures $ (40,313) $ 3,789 $ 35,466 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (1,058) 7 Heritage Park Community Development District Long Term Debt Report RRRMeeeasssteeeurrrrvvvieeety FFF Duuuannntddde :BRDaeelqfaiunniicrteeiomnent 50% OF MAX$$511I/M991U13/M,,2120 99A345N5NUAL DEBT BONDS OUTSTANDING - 10/30/13 $5,095,000 LESS: SPECIAL CALL 5/1/14 ($10,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/15 ($160,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/16 ($165,000) LESS: SPECIAL CALL 5/1/16 ($10,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/17 ($170,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/18 ($175,000) LESS: SPECIAL CALL 11/1/18 ($20,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/19 ($175,000) LESS: SPECIAL CALL 5/1/19 ($5,000) LESS: SPECIAL CALL 11/1/19 ($10,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/20 ($180,000) LESS: SPECIAL CALL 5/1/20 ($5,000) LESS: SPECIAL CALL 11/1/20 ($10,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/21 ($190,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/22 ($195,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/23 ($205,000) LESS: PRINCIPAL PAYMENT 5/1/24 ($215,000) Current Bonds Outstanding $3,195,000 website for running balance of bonds Series 2013 Special Assessment Bonds 8 B. HERITAGE PARK COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Fiscal Year 2025 Assessment Receipts Summary ASSESSED # UNITS ASSESSED SERIES 2013 DEBT ASSESSED O&M ASSESSED TOTAL ASSESSED NET TAX ROLL 703 382,043.75 310,580.70 692,624.45 TAX ROLL RECEIPTS DETAIL ST JOHNS COUNTY DISTRIBUTION DATE RECEIVED SERIES 2013 DEBT RECEIVED O&M RECEIVED TOTAL RECEIVED 1 11/05/24 5,252.07 4,269.64 9,521.71 2 11/15/24 9,592.08 7,797.84 17,389.92 3 11/20/24 16,363.11 13,302.32 29,665.43 4 12/06/24 33,427.91 27,175.06 60,602.97 5 12/19/24 31,676.97 25,751.64 57,428.61 6 01/09/25 225,498.46 183,317.93 408,816.39 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - TOTAL TAX ROLL RECEIPTS 321,810.60 261,614.43 583,425.03 PERCENT COLLECTED 84.23% 9 C. Date Check Numbers Amount Amount General Fund 1112//01/12/244-1-121/3310//2244 33228924--33229919 $ 1173,,331988..1076 Total General Fund Checks $30,716.23 RJJNuoToLodabhovnieoutenrhmimtse K CaPbWisuienn hrFrngr ae1eoarrc,n ttr2oto yJ0imnr2.4 5555500000555551111123456 $ 111118888844444.....7777700000 Total Payroll Checks $923.50 Total Paid Checks and Electronically $31,639.73 Heritage Park Community Development District Check Run Summary AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTE R *** CHECK DATES 11/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 *** HERITAGE PARK CDD-GENERAL FUND BANK A HERITAGE PARK CDD CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS 11/06/24 00042 10/31/24 86694 202410 320-53800-46300 * AQUATIC WEED CTRL - OCT24 FUTURE HORIZONS, INC. RUN 1/14/25 PAGE 1 AMOUNT ....CHECK..... AMOUNT # 1,945.00 1,945.00 003284 11/06/24 00085 11/01/24 11012024 202411 310-51300-42000 * 63.00 2024-POSTAGE TX COLLECTOR ST. JOHNS COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR 63.00 003285 11/06/24 00043 11/01/24 788428 202411 320-53800-46200 * 3,153.33 LANDSCAPE MAINT NOV24 YELLOWSTONE LANDSCAPE 3,153.33 003286 11/13/24 00042 11/11/24 86823 202411 320-53800-46600 * 400.00 4400VFX IN POND 1700 FUTURE HORIZONS, INC. 400.00 003287 11/13/24 00002 11/01/24 605 202411 320-53800-12000 * 1,043.00 CONTRACT ADMIN NOV24 GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1,043.00 003288 11/13/24 00002 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-34000 MANAGEMENT FEES NOV24 * 5,174.83 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-49200 WEBSITE ADMIN NOV24 * 105.00 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-35100 INFORMATION TECH NOV24 * 157.50 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-31300 DISSEMINATION FEE NOV24 * 88.33 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-51000 OFFICE SUPPLIES * .15 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-42000 POSTAGE * 2.76 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-42500 COPIES * 19.35 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-41000 TELEPHONE * 32.14 11/01/24 606 202411 310-51300-51000 DISTRICT STAMP * 41.98 GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5,622.04 003289 11/13/24 00073 11/06/24 3479981 202408 310-51300-31500 * 430.50 PREP & ATTEND BOS MEETING KUTAK ROCK LLP 430.50 003290 11/25/24 00021 11/14/24 53586 202410 310-51300-31100 * 741.19 OCT ENGINEERING SERVICES PROSSER, INC 741.19 003291 HERT HERITAGE PARK BPEREGRINO AP300R YEAR-TO-DATE ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PREPAID/COMPUTER CHECK REGISTER RUN 1/14/25 PAGE *** CHECK DATES 11/01/2024 - 12/31/2024 *** HERITAGE PARK CDD-GENERAL FUND BANK A HERITAGE PARK CDD CHECK VEND# .....INVOICE..... ...EXPENSED TO... VENDOR NAME STATUS AMOUNT ....CHECK.... . DATE DATE INVOICE YRMO DPT ACCT# SUB SUBCLASS AMOUNT # 12/02/24 00057 11/26/24 144626 202411 310-51300-42500 * 1,365.10 RESIDENTAL CDD LETTERS 11/26/24 144626 202411 310-51300-42000 * 513.19 POSTAGE ADVANCED DIRECT MARKETING SERVICES 1,878.29 003292 12/02/24 00042 11/27/24 87156 202411 320-53800-46300 * 1,945.00 NOV LAKE MAINTENANCE FUTURE HORIZONS, INC. 1,945.00 003293 12/11/24 00042 11/27/24 87191 202411 320-53800-46600 * 400.00 INSTALL NEW UNIT-PD 1200 FUTURE HORIZONS, INC. 400.00 003294 12/11/24 00002 11/25/24 607 202410 320-53800-46400 * 433.38 COMMON AREA MAINTENANCE GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 433.38 003295 12/11/24 00043 12/15/24 819629 202412 320-53800-46200 * 3,153.33 DEC LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE YELLOWSTONE LANDSCAPE 3,153.33 003296 12/17/24 00002 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-34000 * 5,174.83 DEC MANAGEMENT FEES 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-49200 * 105.00 DEC WEBSITE ADMIN 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-35100 * 157.50 DEC INFORMATION TECH 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-31300 * 88.33 DEC DISSEMINATION SVCS 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-51000 * 15.36 OFFICE SUPPLIES 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-42000 * 8.28 POSTAGE 12/01/24 608 202412 310-51300-42500 * 182.40 COPIES GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 5,731.70 003297 12/17/24 00002 12/01/24 609 202412 320-53800-12000 * 1,043.00 DEC CONTRACT ADMIN GOVERNMENTAL MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1,043.00 003298 12/20/24 00080 11/05/24 00068208 202410 310-51300-48000 * 2,733.44 NTC MTG-11/7-ASSESSMENTS GANNETT FLORIDA LOCALIQ 2,733.44 003299 TOTAL FOR BANK A 30,716.20 HERT HERITAGE PARK BPEREGRINO